5 Benefits of Plant Based Proteins
From Whole Food Sources
Whether you are completely plant-based or not, there are so many reasons why you should be incorporating some plant- based proteins from whole food sources into your diet!
Increased Fiber
Plant-based proteins typically contain higher fiber than most proteins. For example, one cup of cooked lentils has about 16 grams of fiber, which is about half the daily recommended amount of fiber that you should consume. Fiber promotes good gut bacteria and improves digestion. Fiber improves heart health, colon health and can aid in weight loss because it can make you feel full longer.
Managing Blood Sugar
Type 2 Diabetes is a rising concern across the US and many people struggle to manage their blood sugar. Research has proven that a diet higher in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals helps to lower blood sugar levels and improve overall health. There are many plant based proteins that are high in these like hemp seeds, beans, chia seeds, chickpeas.
Lowering Cholesterol
It’s no secret that red meat and animal proteins been associated with increased cholesterol levels for a long time. With that in mind cholesterol isn’t inherently bad. Your body needs some cholesterol to build cells, make vitamins, and produce other hormones. It only becomes a problem when there is too much. This build up can result in a thick, hard deposit that accumulates on the inside of the arteries. This can increase your risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular concerns. Mixing up your proteins can help decrease your risk of high cholesterol
Weight loss
There are many reasons someone might want to lose weight. Whether they have a desire to feel more comfortable or needing to for associated health risks. Diets high in protein are associated with maintaining a healthy weight and contributing to weight loss because of proteins ability to make you feel fuller for longer. Plant-based protein can compound these effects as many sources of plant protein are naturally lower in calories than animal protein, and maintaining a calorie deficit is associated with sustained weight loss.
Highly Versatile
Plant proteins come in many different forms and are usually flavorless which gives you endless options of how to include them in your diet. They can easily be added to smoothies, salads, nourish bowl as well as your regular cooking routine. I love trying new ways to cook and prepare plant-based proteins and I’m always impressed with how easy and simple it can be too add them into my diet.
Sources of Plant - Based Proteins
It is important to understand that most foods have some amount of protein in them. However, certain foods are richer in this macronutrient than others. Some of the top plant based protein sources include
Almond butter
Chia seeds
Hemp seeds
Nutritional yeast
Kidney Beans